The time has come to let others to see the results of our intensive work – each partnering country (Slovenia, Poland, Greece, Italy). Take a look at the exhibitions’ calendar:
15th November – the opening night at the University in Koper, Slovenia
21st November – one of Cafés in Thessaloniki, Greece
26th November - 08th December – Café Fraza ul. Mokotowska 16/20 Warsaw, Poland
09th-21st December - Auditorium Maximum (main University Campus) Warsaw, Poland
Near future… Milan, Italy
We’ll sum up the results of the project in Café Fraza (Warsaw) on 29th November 2010 at 6 p.m. You’re welcome to share this moment with us. It’s the opportunity to see Ania’s documentary on the big screen and talk about the project. Make sure you don’t miss this event.
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